Author: Brandi With An I
•2:51 PM
Sometimes it's nice to just say "thank you" as opposed to asking for something.

Ask any parent out there.

It's nice when a child will come to a parent not with any ulterior motive, not to ask for anything, but to just say "thank you." Usually, the parent will give something just for the simple fact their child showed a bit of appreciation.

But if a child is always asking for things like they're parent is supposed to give into their every desire and they don't know how to be thankful, soon enough the parent will get tired and will stop giving into their every single selfish want.

Same can be applied to our Heavenly Father.

If the only time we go to Him is when we want something, sooner or later, He won't listen.

We should learn to be thankful for what we have.
We should learn to just go to Him sometimes and just say "thank you."
Not because we want something, but because of how good of a Father He is to us,
and because of how good a Father He will continue to be.

If we learn to gain a spirit of thankfulness as opposed to a spirit of "wantfulness" (yes, I invented a word watch and see how our Father will shower us with so many things we won't be able to receive them.

Think about it...
- B.
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