Author: Brandi With An I
•12:42 PM

1 Corinthians 3:6

King James Version (KJV)

6I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

Just like back in Bible times, this still stands true today; God can't give the increase to anything unless we do our part. 

Many of us complain about how people aren't coming to worship anymore. We say how there aren't as many people coming and seeking Christ as there were back in the day.

Well, ask yourselves, have we done our part?

Have we reached out to those we haven't seen in a while?
Have we walked the neighborhoods spreading the good news of Christ and inviting people to worship?
Have we lived our lives as examples to those we are around?

We're expecting God to work a miracle but that's not going to happen.

He expects us to do our part, then in His own time and way He'll give the increase.

Look at it this way.

You want to plant a rose garden, so what do you do?
You buy the soil, seeds, and water like you're supposed to;
eventually, roses will bloom.

Do you think you'll get the same result if you just walk outside and say,
"Now look here, I wanna see some roses, so start blooming!"

Doesn't work that way.

If we want the Lord's church to grow by leaps and bounds, we need to do something.
If we want to reach more people, we have to go out and do the work.

You want God to move?

Step out on faith and watch Him show up and show out!

Think about it
- B.
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