Author: Brandi With An I
•1:32 PM
Never Stop Trying

My friend, when we are saved we begin a climb on the spiritual ladder. 

The longer we walk with God, the higher on that ladder we get. But let me be perfectly clear. No matter how high you may climb, there are always more rungs above you, and at each level, we have things in our life that we need to battle and overcome. In our efforts to overcome whatever issue that we may be facing at this particular moment, there are times when we will fall short.

God has given us (Christians) such a precious promise in 1 John 1:9 that if we will simply confess our sins, He will forgive us, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Isn't it wonderful that after having obeyed the Gospel we can now go to God in prayer and talk to Him?

All God asks when we fail is that we humble ourselves and repent, confess our sins, accept His forgiveness and cleansing, and go forward. 

Nobody gets victory standing still. 
Victory is won by going forward.

I know there have been many Devotionals in the past that have been difficult to read. 

I write to share the truth from God's Word, point out what God says, and then pray that you will open your heart to receive it. 

We live in a world full of evil and sin. 

As Christ told His disciples, we will have trials and tribulations in this life. 
That will happen regardless. 
But by living our lives in accordance with God's Word, we can cut down on those trials that we bring on ourselves by rebelling against God. 
He also told His disciples to "be of good cheer" because HE has overcome this world.

That is why I say to you today, when you fail, don't quit. 
Go to God, confess your failure, accept His forgiveness, and get back on track with God. 

I will be praying for you today, that whatever it is you are battling in your life, no matter how many times you may fail, that you will never give up. 

The songwriter said it best;

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