Author: Brandi With An I
•8:00 AM

How To Tell When You Are Getting Weak Spiritually
by Tom Smith, Wooddale Church of Christ

I wanted to share this Article with you. The Author is Unknown to me

1. When you had rather stay at home than to assemble with the saints.
2. When you had rather watch TV than visit the sick (or weak) and to teach the lost.
3. When you had rather read a magazine or the daily paper than the Bible or religious material.
4. When you find a political speech inspiring but a gospel sermon boring.
5. When you pray for the preacher but sleep through his sermons.
6. When you thank God for the elders but refuse to cooperate with them.
7. When you talk long and loud about what the church should do but never do your part in what is being done now.
8. When you sing with your lips what you really don’t mean in your heart.
9. When you look upon spiritual work as a chore rather than a privilege.
10. When you are offended by an article like this!
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