•9:03 AM
How can we teach without appearing self-righteous?
Todd Clippard
Topic(s): Evangelism, Bible Study
For those who inquire without a sincere desire for truth, there may be no way to accomplish this task in their eyes. Some are only interested in starting an argument (1 Tim 6:3-5; 2 Tim 2:23-24).
The easiest way I know to accomplish this is to eliminate oneself from the discussion. This can be done by saying, "The Bible says ", thus removing the focus from self and placing it on the Bible where it belongs. There were several times in Jesus' ministry where He used this approach (cf Matt 12:3-5; 19:4). Jesus also asked others what they read in the scriptures (Luke 10:25-28 - though this was an insincere questioner).
In recent months, I have been approached several times by sincere individuals asking various Bible questions. Usually they started by saying, "What do you believe about... ?" or "What do you think about... ?"
I always respond, "The Bible says " They appreciated this approach, and even said so after a number of encounters. I believe this approach also helps gain the confidence of the inquisitor.
It is always good and right to point people to the scriptures. We must "be ready to give a defense" (1 Pet 3:15), and at the same time speak the truth in love (Eph 4:15), having our speech seasoned with salt, so that we may know how we ought to answer every man (Col 4:6).