•12:05 PM
Luke 13:6-9
Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. So
he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now
I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found
any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’
“‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’”
Fruit trees are planted for a purpose - if you plant a seed, over time, you expect to see a tree and then some fruit. In the same respect, if nothing happens it should be cut down because it's of no use to you.
Same applies to us.
We were placed in God's kingdom for a purpose: to bring glory and honor to Him, live our lives as examples so others can see Christ in us, be there for our fellow man, and help bring souls to Christ. All of these are examples of "bearing fruit."
If we don't do anything and are just taking up space, don't you know we are liable to get cut down as well?
"Cutting down" doesn't always mean death, either. It could also mean that God could turn us over to a reprobate mind; have us thinking what we're doing is okay and acceptable and we're believing a lie.
If we don't want to get chopped down by the owner of the vineyard (God) we need to start bearing fruit.
He'll only grant us so much grace and then you know what's next.
Think about it,