Author: Brandi With An I
•1:37 PM
The Lord Deserves Our Devotion
by J. Raymond Pecoraro, Wooddale Church of Christ

“Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 6:1). 

I realize this Scripture goes beyond human nature and human understanding because it seems goodness & kindness will only be served when in the presence of seeing eyes. 

And I am the first to admit that I fell into this thought process. 

It wasn’t done intentionally, but subconsciously … not that this behavior excuses Matthew 6:1’s application! 

It is far better doing things for the Lord when done for his glory, honor, and praise than for the reward or attention of men. 


One doesn’t last and no help is given, whereby the other has greater rewards in heaven. 
Plus God will help in the accomplishment when to his glory! 
Make no mistake about it!
I was recently reading an inspiring story about the solemn, magnificent simplicity of the “Changing of the Guards” at the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers” at Arlington Nation Cemetery. The careful choreographed event is a moving tribute to our soldiers whose names and sacrifices are “known only to God.” Equally moving are the private moments of steady pacing and dedication when the crowds are gone. They paced back and forth, hour after hour, day after day, year after year, and in all kinds of weather. They do this proudly and with much honor. In fact, they count this responsibility as one of the highest privileges afforded them.

Hurricane Isabel came bearing down on Washington, DC in September of 2003. The guards were told they could seek shelter during the worst of this terrible hurricane. The guards all refused, surprising hardly anyone! 

(Brings a tear just thinking about the dedication of these guards). 

They unselfishly stood their post to honor their fallen comrades even in the face of a hurricane. 
They would not be deterred by anything!

According to Matthew 6:1-6, Jesus’ desire for us is to live with unrelenting, selfless devotion to Him. 

The Bible calls us to good deeds and holy living. 
These are to be acts of worship and obedience and not orchestrated acts of self-glorification. 

The apostle Paul endorses this teaching of Jesus. 
We are to present ourselves “a living sacrifice.” (Romans 12:1).

May we renew our commitment to our Lord that no matter what distractions come our way, we will never falter in our service to our gracious God. 
The more we serve the Lord, the less we will serve self! 
Our Savior deserves nothing less from us because He gave His best to us …His life!
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