Author: Brandi With An I
•9:30 AM
The Button of Prayer
by J. Raymond Pecoraro, Wooddale Church of Christ 

Recently a large hospital in a great city was completed. It is equipped with the latest & most improved gadgets. Their purpose was explained by an attendant to visitors on the opening day. Regarding the button at the bed of each patient, the attendant said, “By the old method, a patient pressed a button beside his bed, & a bell rang. Sometimes the bell was not heard, or at least unheeded. The sound of various bells was also confusing. But now the weakest patient may touch a button & instantly four lights flash --- one in the office, one in the hall, & two others in different parts of the building. It is impossible for anyone to turn the lights off until the call has been answered & the patient who pressed the button has been visited!”

If human ingenuity has devised such a clever thing to bring help to needy ones, surely God will hear the cry of His children in times of weakness & great need. 

When the weakest hand touches the button of prayer, there is no power in hell or earth which can hinder the signal, nor bar the answer!

When we pray, there are things we can know & other things we cannot. 

For instance, we have the assurance that God will hear our prayer if we know Him as our heavenly Father though faith & obedience in Christ Jesus. 

We know, too, that His answer will come according to His will. 
But we don’t know when the answer will come or what it will be!

The Bible has much to say concerning the prayer life of Christians! 
Here are just a few of those Scriptures dealing with prayer:
1. I Thess. 5:17: Pray without ceasing.
2. I Thess. 5:18: In everything give thanks.
3. James 5;16: Fervent prayer does good.
4. Luke 11:1: Lord teach us to pray.
5. Heb. 4:16: Approach God’s throne with boldness.
6. Matt. 6:11: Pray for our daily needs.
7. Acts 8:22-24: Pray for forgiveness of our sins.
8. Matt. 6:10: Pray that God’s Will be done.
9. Phil. 1:9-11: Pray for God’s people.
10. Matt. 5;44: Pray for enemies.
11. James 5;14: Pray for the sick.
12. Matt. 6:13: Pray for strength to handle temptation.
13. Matt. 26:41: Pray to resist temptation.
14. I Tim. 2:8: Pray without wrath & doubting.
15. Phil. 4:6: Pray with thanksgiving.
16. Col. 3:17: Pray in the name (authority) of our Lord.

We can pray, believe & receive, or we can pray, doubt, & do without! 
Prayer can nourish the soul just as food can nourish the body.
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