Author: Brandi With An I
•9:00 AM
The Problem Of Anger And Wrath 
by Bob Foster, Wooddale Church of Christ

Anger and wrath is one of the world's most noticeable problems. We see it in the home, in the workplace and on the highways when we drive. Some people just really don't need to be out driving the highways for anger and how it causes them to react.

The fact that there is such stress in conducting our lives; making financial decisions that may greatly squeeze our resources or cause us to lose them all together, can discount the family structure. Even directing the family core to do those things needful may develop into anger on the part of family members.

The Bible can help one cope with anger and wrath caused by stress or other means.

Let us look at some of the ways we can be helped.

The Bible says that a soft answer turns away wrath (Prov. 15:1).
This helps me to know that if I am patient with an answer and will speak softly the hearer is less likely to become angry, even if the problem has escalated. This has worked in directing children at school by teachers who have encountered the problem. I believe the Bible gives a viable answer to the problem with a usable solution. It even goes on to say that he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife (Prov 15:18).

A quick tempered person heats up the confrontation, while a controlled tongue and heart calms the soul.

The Bible also helps us to understand the wisdom of strife control.
It says that he that is slow to wrath is of great understanding (Prov 14:29).
How do you suppose this is true?

I believe that its telling us that there is wisdom in the nature of one that does not increase the level of hostility. When one thinks over the situation, it is wisdom that says don't react hastily.

Another verse that helps me to work with anger and wrath is one that says, the one who is slow to wrath is better than the mighty (Prov 16:32). The person in charge had the greater concern and thus the greater stress to contend with. He is subject to become angry sooner. Its better to stay out of his way. A controlled mind is not going to have quite the problems that are found in those in leadership positions whose anger might escalate and be out of control.

The Bible outlines for us many who became angry and let anger control them.
The end, in most cases was fatal.

Cain the brother of Abel became jealous of his brother when his own sacrifice to God was rejected and Abel's was accepted, and he killed him (Gen 4:5; Heb. 11:4). He lost the close relationship he had with God and was made to be a vagabond upon the earth, banished from the parents who raised him to forever wander the earth. Even his livelihood of agriculture was taken from him for the ground would no longer produce for him at it once did.

Another Biblical character that let anger and wrath destroy him was King Saul.

He had failed to obey God when told to utterly destroy the Amalekites and all that they had ( 1 Sam. 15:3). He has spared the Amalekite king and he had brought the best of the peoples animals back for sacrifice to God. God was not pleased with Saul's decisions, and rejected him from being king. In his place, David the son of Jesse the Bethlehamite was anointed to become king of Israel,causing Saul to become very angry and he sought the life of David. David tried to avoid a confrontation with Saul unto the end. Saul ventured on several occasions to kill David ( 1 Sam. 23:14), because his wrath was excessive. His anger contributed to his death, though not directly, in battle.(1 Sam 31) David became the new king of Israel thereafter. Sometimes anger may be justified. Moses was angry because of the deceitfulness of Pharaoh (Exodus 11:8). Jesus was angry because of the hard hearts of the Pharisees (Mk 3:5).

The Bible tells us that if we become angry, to not let it guide us to sin, and to get over it quickly before it destroys what good one may produce (Eph. 4:26).

Continue to seek the Lord daily.
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