Author: Brandi With An I
•10:47 AM
Make Time To Pray 
by Tom Smith, Wooddale Church of Christ

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing. 

Do you feel guilty because you aren't able to spend long periods of time each day in prayer?

Perhaps you have a regular but brief time when you read the Bible and pray, but you lack a sense of God's presence in your life.

You feel you aren't communicating enough with your heavenly Father.

That's a problem that plagues individuals whose lives are incessantly busy.

Here is some helpful advice for Christians from the 17th-century French writer Francois Fénelon.

"Learn," he counsels, "to make good use of chance moments: When waiting for someone, when going from place to place, or when in society where to be a good listener is all that is required, at such times it is easy to lift the heart to God and thereby gain fresh strength for further duties . . . . One moment will suffice to place yourself in God's presence to love and worship Him, to offer all you are doing or bearing, and to still all your heart's emotions at His feet."

We can train ourselves to maintain an awareness of the Lord's presence with us throughout the day and to talk with Him as we are able.

That's how we can obey the apostle's command to "pray without ceasing".
To make the most of your time, take time to pray.
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