Author: Brandi With An I
•10:44 AM
Hello everyone!

For starters I would like to thank all of you for reading and supporting this blog. I hope something here has blessed your life while reading as it blessed my life when posting.

Now, on to the reason for this post.

This is just a quick note to inform all readers that there will be new content featured on the Church of Christ Blog for the next few months.

In addition to what you already see on a regular basis, the book "The Church of Christ: the Distinctive Nature of the New Testament Church" by: Edward C. Wharton will be posted and shared on here.

This book breaks down the origins of the Lord's church, what's expected of those in it, how we reach out to others and more! Many questions that a lot of people have will be answered throughout the course of it. 

Everything in here is backed up by Scripture and it's truly a must read for all.

I hope, and pray, that we all gain a better understanding of The Church of Christ and what the Lord expects from us while we live here below and strive to make Heaven our eternal home.

God Bless you all,
- B.
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