Author: Brandi With An I
•8:15 AM
Life is a one-time Shot
By: Tom Smith,
Wooddale Church of Christ

James 4:14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

So often, we get bogged down in the day to day activities of life, we lose sight of not only its' brevity, but the fact life is a one-time shot. 

I hate to break the bad news to those who buy into the complete stupidity of reincarnation, but we were created in the image of God for this one and only journey called life. 

When it is over, we will have an eternal home, either with our creator, if we come to know His Son Jesus Christ by faith, or eternally separated from our Creator if we reject Christ. 

The point I want to drive home today is that this is it. 
This is our life. 
This is not a dress rehearsal, there are no do-overs, we need to make the most of this time God has given us.

It is human nature not to think much about death, our own mortality. 

We tend to dwell on it more as we get older, since it becomes more of a reality. 

As we go through life, we see our grandparents die, our parents, other family members, friends, and those we know pass away. At those times, we are reminded that we too will one day die, though we try not to think about it very long. 

In addition to being reminded at times how brief life is, we often pause at different points to see where we are in life, look back to where we have been, and look ahead to where we want to go. 

Again, as we get older, we become aware that this time on earth, this life, really does pass quickly. 

It is at these times of reflection when it becomes apparent how much of our life we squander and don't take advantage of. 

Remember this: today is a day like none other, and when it is gone, it is never coming back.
Take the time needed to reflect on your life today. 

Take the time to see where you are at, and where you want to go. 

Look at those things in your life each day that are positive, and those that are negative. 

The fact is, life is short. 
Only God knows when our time here is over. 
We have no control over that. 

What we DO have control over is how we use each day. 

I don't care where you live, what ethnic background you are, what your social or financial status is, the one thing all of us have in common is 24 hours. 
Nobody gets a second more or a second less. 
How we use that 24 hours becomes the key decisions we must make each day. 

God has a perfect plan and purpose for your life. 

Allowing that plan and purpose to unfold each day is the challenge we all face. 

Life is a one time shot. 
We won't get another chance. 
Make the most of each and every day God gives you. 
It is your life, the only one you will get, so make the most of it.
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