Author: Brandi With An I
•5:19 PM
Last night I studied about how to deal with trials when they come in our lives.
Some key points stuck out that really helped me and I thought I’d share so that it can help someone else as well:

- Trouble is worthwhile if it brings us closer to God.
- Everything is God’s will in our lives.
- Events may be bad, but we can always find God in them. We often need trouble to come our way to make us pray harder.
- Don’t let anxiety control your thoughts.
- Choose to remember God’s goodness from the past and know that if He delivered you before, He can do it again.
- Realize you’re weak and without God you are powerless.
- God was sufficient for you then and He’s sufficient for you now.
- Always remember, God is in total control. He knows what we’re going through.
- The only time it’s good to look back is when you’re remembering what God has brought you out of.
- There’s always something to thank God for; regardless of what we may be going through.

Like I said, this helped me and maybe it can help someone else too.

God Bless,

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