Author: Brandi With An I
•3:01 PM
Gotta go to work!


A place a lot of us go to every day, sick or well; not because we want to, but because we have to.

We know if we don't work, we don't receive our reward: the paycheck.

Don't you know this can be applied to our spiritual lives as well?

As a Christian, we are to work every day, sick or well, being a light to the world and spreading the news of Jesus everywhere we go.

Why should we do this?

Because it is our duty and, not only that, we want to receive the reward one day: eternal life in Heaven.

In the secular world, if we don't work we have no chance of getting any type of reward for our efforts (since we didn't do anything).

Take a look at the spiritual.

If we don't work, we have no chance of receiving eternal life (since we didn't do anything).

We don't get paid for sitting around and doing nothing at our job, so we surely won't get a first class ticket to Heaven if we sit around doing nothing while we're down here.

Look at it this way...

If we're willing to throw our all into our jobs to receive a paycheck, shouldn't we be willing to throw that much more into our spiritual jobs?

I mean, after all, the reward Christ has in store for us is way greater than any piece of paper with a bunch of zeroes on it.

Think about it..
- B.
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