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II Timothy 2:15
Key Points to be taken from this study:
1. Success or failure in the Christian life depends on knowing and doing the will of God as He has revealed it in the Bible.
2. Many Christians attend church where they hear the Bible taught.
3. We need to develop a lifetime habit of daily feeding our minds on the Word of God.
- Reading (I Timothy 4:13)
- Studying (II Timothy 2:15)
- Meditating (I Timothy 4:15)
I: What Bible Study Will Do for You
A. (I John 2:14) It will make you a strong Christian.
B. (I John 5:13) It will assure you of salvation.
C. (I John 5:14-15) It will give you confidence and power in prayer.
D. (John 15:3) It will cleanse you from sin.
E. (John 15:11) It will give you joy.
F. (John 16:33) It will produce peace in your life.
G. (Psalms 119:105) It will guide you in making important decisions.
H. (I Peter 3:15) It will enable you to articulate your faith.
I. (Joshua 1:8) It will guarantee your success.
NOTE: Christ is the Living Word, so to make the previous statements more personal, substitute every "It" with "He" and you will grasp the context better.
II: Attitudes for Studying the Bible
A. (Psalms 119:27) Prayer
B. (II Timothy 3:16) Reverence
C. (I Timothy 3:16-17) Expectancy
D. (II Corinthians 4:1-2) Honesty
E. (Luke 11:28) Desire to Obey
III: Dangers to be avoided when handling the Word of God
A. Repeating what we have heard others say without a personal investigation and understanding of God's Word for ourselves.
B. Misusing and misinterpreting a Biblical text.
C. Being too prideful to cease believing and teaching error.
D. Deciding what we want for doctrine and then using the Bible to support it.
E. Trying to change the scriptures to fit us rather than changing ourselves to fit the scriptures.
F. Using the Bible as a tool to find fault with others instead of using it to examine and to make changes in our own lives.
G. Studying the Bible merely to win arguments.
H. Studying the Bible just for information instead of for transformation.