•12:59 PM
Many "church-goers" today do not even consider the rightness or wrongness of their religion. They belong to a particular church because such is convenient or they simply "like it."
Not many are looking for a "scriptural church" today.
They want a church to satisfy their own desires.
Many of the current denominations do not even claim to go by the scriptures. In fact, they advertise their modernism and "any-thing-goism."
They believe churches which do submit to Jesus authority are "out-of-date" and legalistic.
Notwithstanding Jesus church submits to his headship (Eph. 1: 22,23, Matt. 28:18).
This means the right church does what the scriptures teach (2 Jn. 9-11).
She is designed by a scriptural designation (Rom. 16: 16), teaches the true plan of salvation (Jn. 8:24, Acts 17:31, Rom. 10:10, Acts 2:38), and worships God in spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:24).
I kindly challenge you to take God’s word and find the right church.
You can easily eliminate modernistic, liberal, selfish churches and clearly establish the identity of the Lord’s church, by using God’s word.
Be a member of the Lord’s house and not Man’s (Heb. 3:1-6).
Enjoy answered prayer, the cleaning of Jesus blood, and heaven for an eternity (I Jn. 3:22, 5:11).
Remember, "Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up" (Matt. 15:13).
Jesus said this regarding false religions (Matt. 15: 1-14).
Come out of Babylon (false religion) and bask in God’s truth which will make you free (Rev. 18:3,4, Jun. 8:32).
Jesus built his church (Matt. 16:16, Acts 2:47).
He built only one (not denominations, teaching different doctrines, Eph. 4:4-6, 1:22,23).
Jesus shed his blood for his church (Acts 20:28).
Hence, it behooves us to be part of Jesus church, the right church.
The scriptural church had its beginning in Acts 2, A.D. 30, on the first Pentecost after Jesus resurrection.
It was to this church the Lord added the saved (Acts 2:47, 5:14).
Local churches (congregations), in New Testament days, were governmentally independent one of another. Each local congregation, ideally, possessed its own elders (Acts 14:23).
These elders only had oversight in the local congregation where they served (I Pet. 5:1-2). In other words, there was no denominational structure.
These local churches believed and taught the same thing (I Cor. 1:10).
This is because there was only one faith, the doctrine of Christ (new Testament, Eph. 4:4; 2 Jn. 9).
They taught a plan of salvation for the alien consisting of faith, repentance, confession and baptism for remission of sin (Jn. 8:24; Acts 17:30; Rom. 10:9,10; Acts 2:38).
The overseers or elders, to whom we have referred (always a plurality), met certain qualifications found in I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
The early church guarded the purity of the truth, not fellowshipping those who taught error (Eph. 5:10,11; 2 Jn. 9-11).
The Lord’s church withdrew from members who did not live right (2 Thes. 3:6).
Early churches did not wear human names (see Romans 16:16).
One can employ the process of elimination to simplify the search for the scriptural church.
There are churches today which are scriptural, but you must "seek" (Matt. 7:7,8; Jn. 7:17).
The true church has a spiritual mission and is genuinely interested in assisting you in spiritual matters (I Tim. 3:15).
Why not find the church today which corresponds to the First Century church?