•11:11 AM
By: J. Raymond Pecoraro, Wooddale Church of Christ
A dad explained to his young son how his office secretary helps him by screening his incoming phone calls. If the young boy’s mom phones the office the secretary would let her know what her husband was busy with and this way his mom could decide whether or not to disturbed him. The dad continued talking to his son telling him that if he called the office his secretary would put him through immediately.
He wanted his son to know that he had total access to his dad because he is his son.
Several days later, a phone call came in and the secretary immediately forwarded it to her boss. There was no screening necessary in this case because it was her boss’ son calling.
The child’s father answered the phone immediately knowing it was his boy on the line. His dad asked him if anything was wrong! His son was merely testing what his father told him about his calls not being screened!
I said all of that to say this: Christians always have instant access to our heavenly Father!
Our Father has no one screening our calls. There is no need to leave messages to Him so that He can call you back alter.
I am talking about our only means of communication with an awesome God. A God who loves His children so much that His line of communication is always available to us…no matter what time of day or night!
This line of communication is called “prayer.”
You will never have to wait, be screened by anyone, nor be put on hold. The Psalmist stated: “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to our cries.” (Psalm 34:15)
Think about this for a moment.
The world’s population is well over seven billion people and yet God will spend personal, quality time with each of us! We are never bothering Him. Each prayer call is most important to our Father. Each prayer call is most important to our Father.
Through His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus the Christ provided the way for us to communicate with Him. The Bible tells us that “we can approach God’s throne of grace with boldness.” (Hebrews 4:16) Therefore, “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.” (Hebrews 10:22)
Christians need to communicate with the Father often because He knows what help we need. Also remember that we should give God thanks for what He does for us, too.
Are you communicating with your heavenly Father?
“Dear Father, thank You that we can talk with You at any time for any reason. We are grateful for that privilege, which was made possible by Your Son Jesus through His death and resurrection.”
By: J. Raymond Pecoraro, Wooddale Church of Christ
A dad explained to his young son how his office secretary helps him by screening his incoming phone calls. If the young boy’s mom phones the office the secretary would let her know what her husband was busy with and this way his mom could decide whether or not to disturbed him. The dad continued talking to his son telling him that if he called the office his secretary would put him through immediately.
He wanted his son to know that he had total access to his dad because he is his son.
Several days later, a phone call came in and the secretary immediately forwarded it to her boss. There was no screening necessary in this case because it was her boss’ son calling.
The child’s father answered the phone immediately knowing it was his boy on the line. His dad asked him if anything was wrong! His son was merely testing what his father told him about his calls not being screened!
I said all of that to say this: Christians always have instant access to our heavenly Father!
Our Father has no one screening our calls. There is no need to leave messages to Him so that He can call you back alter.
I am talking about our only means of communication with an awesome God. A God who loves His children so much that His line of communication is always available to us…no matter what time of day or night!
This line of communication is called “prayer.”
You will never have to wait, be screened by anyone, nor be put on hold. The Psalmist stated: “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to our cries.” (Psalm 34:15)
Think about this for a moment.
The world’s population is well over seven billion people and yet God will spend personal, quality time with each of us! We are never bothering Him. Each prayer call is most important to our Father. Each prayer call is most important to our Father.
Through His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus the Christ provided the way for us to communicate with Him. The Bible tells us that “we can approach God’s throne of grace with boldness.” (Hebrews 4:16) Therefore, “Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.” (Hebrews 10:22)
Christians need to communicate with the Father often because He knows what help we need. Also remember that we should give God thanks for what He does for us, too.
Are you communicating with your heavenly Father?
“Dear Father, thank You that we can talk with You at any time for any reason. We are grateful for that privilege, which was made possible by Your Son Jesus through His death and resurrection.”