•4:43 PM
HOMOSEXUALITY – Lifestyle or Perversion?
By Wayne Jackson
One of the most insidious and potentially devastating movements to evolve from the slime of human debauchery in recent decades is the so-called “Gay Movement.” The homosexual “lifestyle” (really a death-style), with considerable support from the entertainment industry and significant publicity from the news media, is a growing phenomenon. No longer content to practice their depravity behind closed doors, sodomites are now moving into the mainstream of society. They are demanding their full “human rights” which, according to them, include the right to hold influential governmental positions, the right to teach in schools, and in fact, the right not to be “discriminated against” in any job. The very fact that so many within our country have taken a tolerant-even sympathetic-view of this perverted movement, ought to be a danger signal to every decent-minded person in the United States.
Exactly what is responsible for homosexual orientation? In the past years some medical authorities asserted that homosexuality was either the result of genetic problems (abnormal chromosome variations) or psychological aberrations. It is now known that in most instances of homosexuality this is not the case. Pritchard’s study of male homosexuals found a normal compliment of XY chromosomes in every case (Journal of Medical Science, 108, 1962). Moreover, in 1974 the American Psychiatric Association voted to remove homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. In the spring of 1979, after a decade long study, sex researchers Masters and Johnson concluded that homosexuality for most persons is neither a physical nor an emotional illness nor a genetic disorder, but rather is a form of learned behavior. Study of this subject led Dr Jerry Bergman to state: “It is not understood exactly what learning produces a gay sexual orientation, but because this behavior is learned, quite possibly it could be learned from other homosexuals.”
In the sacred Scriptures homosexuality is not viewed as a medical issue; rather, it is a moral problem. The name of Sodom lives in the infamy of history. So well-known is the Biblical narrative concerning the perversion of Sodom and Gomorrah, that the term “Sodomite” has, across the centuries, become synonymous with “homosexual.” Recent allegations by modernistic theologians which suggest that the sin of Sodom was mere “inhospitality” or an intended “gang rape” contains not a shred of evidence.
When Jehovah’s two messengers came to Lot’s house in Sodom, certain base men surrounded the dwelling and urged Abraham’s nephew to send out the visitors “that we may know them” (Genesis 19:5). The word “know” is sometimes employed in the Bible as a euphemism for “to have sexual relations with” (Genesis 4:1; Matthew 1:25). The men of Sodom clearly wanted to engage in sexual activity with Lot’s guests. These perverts are characterized as “wicked” and their sin is said to be “very grievous” (Genesis 18:20). In the New Testament, the inspired peter affirmed that God turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes and “condemned them with an overthrow, having made them an example unto those that should live ungodly.” Yet, righteous Lot, who was “sore distressed by the lascivious life of the wicked” and daily vexed with their “lawless deeds,” was delivered (II Peter 2:6-8). Later, the law of Moses declared: “And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall surely be upon them” (Leviticus 20:13).
Some are claiming, however, that since many OT regulations are obsolete today (e.g., the wearing of a garment of mingled fabric-Deuteronomy 22:11), so injunctions against sodomy may be similarly ignored. This is a woeful blunder! Some OT regulation were strictly ceremonial in nature and thus solely a part of that temporary system. Homosexuality, though, as a moral evil that assaults the home, the very foundation of human society, has never been tolerated by God!