Author: Brandi With An I
•10:15 AM

(By: Ivie Powell, Wooddale Church of Christ)

No matter how many programs of work or number of ministers a congregation may have, unless there is an optimistic attitude throughout the congregation (especially among the elders, deacons, minister, and Bible class teachers) the Lord’s cause will never reach the potential it is capable of reaching!
Being optimistic is not being naïve or blind. Rather, it is “an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and happenings or to anticipate the best possible outcome.”
Is this not to be the Christian’s attitude towards the Lord’s work and life in general?
Such an attitude is not easily developed, even among God’s people, because of a lack of faith and unwillingness to rigidly submit to God’s word.
Below are five major points that will help (IF APPLIED) develop an optimistic attitude that can and must prevail (no matter what problems may arrive) among God’s people if we are to be as God would have us!
  1. Earnestly petition our Heavenly Father daily for help!
  2. Think before you commit upon any conversation, realizing what you say will encourage or discourage others and have an effect upon the Lord’s work!
  3. Study diligently God’s word daily and strive with your entire being to let it dwell in your heart!
  4. When you see brethren demonstrating pessimistic attitudes towards the Lord’s work, do everything to inject optimism!
  5. No matter your occupation, view each day as an opportunity for the Lord!
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