•2:23 PM
By: J. Raymond Pecoraro, Wooddale Church of Christ
Life has its many ups and downs and everything in between too!
So many people wake up each morning with despair on their faces and in their minds. The only thing they know is that this is just another day filled with uncertainties.
“Woe is me” is the cry of the day!
The sad part of this whole scenario is that they need not despair because there is one who still controls this universe and that someone is God the Creator.
Make no mistake here! We all have curve balls thrown at us from time to time. There will always be those mountains and valleys that will test our resolve. There will always be people who seem destined to ruin our day!
Remember that old adage, “Misery loves company.” Some people just aren’t happy unless they make others unhappy.
Then there is life itself that seems to cause us to lose two steps with each step forward!
Does this seem familiar to you?
Don’t let the devil and his allies steal your happiness away.
Those who are trying to cope with life without God are making a huge error in judgment. The Lord came to this earth to “seek and to save” sinners. (Luke 19:10). Jesus gave his life in order to bring hope to those who willingly embrace Him. Jesus came so we can have “Life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)
When we have the Lord in our lives, we can rest assured that we will never walk alone. He is with us every step of the way.
He doesn’t promise that everything will be a bed of roses, but He does promise that He will not allow us to deal with more than we can handle!
And above all that this life holds for us, this is only temporary.
In John 14:1-3, Jesus went back to heaven to build us a mansion if we “faint not.”
Therefore let us understand that success is not what we accumulate on earth. Success is what we become in the sight of our Creator! It means putting Him first above all else. Paul said we are to “set our affections on things above.” (Colossians 3:2).
God wants to and He can help you deal with the rough spots in life. He knows all about our troubles and He awaits our calling upon Him.
Brethren, we have a great and wonderful God. From this day forward may we remember to place Him first in all things.