Author: Brandi With An I
•4:18 PM
Many people feel that any church will do because "We're all worshipping God...just in different ways. Just because there are many different religious organizations in the world today, that doesn't mean you can just pick and choose where you want to go. God instituted ONE way to worship Him, and no matter what man comes up with or what's "popular", HIS way is the one we should follow.

Take for example...

There is ONE way to start a car; putting the key in the ignition and turning it.
However, some may feel,
"I start my car with a screwdriver, but it still works."
"I tap wires together to start it, but it still works."

Just because you may use these ways because it's what YOU prefer, it doesn't automatically make it RIGHT and in the end, your car is gonna be messed up because you strayed away from the right way to start it.

Same with worship to God.

There is only ONE way and that is the Church of Christ.

If we follow other ways just because it's socially acceptable,
tradition, or it's what we feel like doing...we will be eternally lost.
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