I. God's Order for the Family I Corinthians 11:3
A. God ordered the family according to the principle of "headship."
B. Each member of the family lives under the authority of the "head" whom God has appointed.
C. Each "head" lives under the authority of God's law.
D. The husband/father lives under the headship of Christ.
E. The wife/mother lives under the headship of her husband.
F. The children live under the headship of both parents. Ephesians 6:1-3
II. God's Order for Parents Ephesians 6:4
A. This passage in Ephesians summarizes the parents' responsibility to the child-love, discipline, teach
B. Love Titus 2:4
-To "bring up" means literally to nourish tenderly
-Children should be objects of tender loving care
C. Discipline Proverbs 13:24
-Love and discipline go together.
-The parent who does not discipline does not really love his child properly.
D. Teach Deuteronomy 11:18-21
-Help the child discover what it is that God wants him to be and to do.
-Educate the child in the ways of the Lord.