Author: Brandi With An I
•11:00 AM

We've all heard the phrase "the fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree". Often when a son or daughter of someone we know very well exhibits the all too familiar traits of the parents, someone will offer this as an explanation for whatever has just been witnessed. It makes sense, doesn't it?

When a child shares both the genes and the environment of the parents, how could that child's behavior not be reflective of that which developed him or her?

The key here is imitated behavior.

Of course, this behavior could be either good or bad.

The Lord is dealing with an important truth in Matthew 7:15-20 and is teaching far more than just physical principles, even though physical objects (grapes, brushes, figs, thistles) are used in His teaching.

Jesus is wrapping the entire teaching in a warning (verse 15) to prevent His followers from being fooled. He concedes that often bad things "look" like good things.

The only way to separate the good from the bad is by carefully examining the fruit. We must be aware of true good, which is not the same as simply the appearance of good.

Acting good and being good are as different as the sheep and the wolf.

Let us be wise about the people we are today, and the people we are becoming tomorrow.

Let us also be as comfortable with having our own fruit tested as we are in testing the fruit of others that we are exposed to as we walk with God.
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